July 31, 2020
The Grand Re-Opening
Saturday, 11th July 2020 will forever be a special day in the history of The Gentlemen Baristas and our Borough Coffee House. After 123 days of lockdown, we finally reopened.
Lockdown was a stressful period for everyone. Luckily for us, we kept busy. We installed a new coffee bar, gave the walls a fresh lick of paint (or three), and created our first-ever outside seating section. We’ve also introduced a one-way entrance/exit system for extra safety.
But seeing our Coffee House lying empty for the first time since we opened it (on National Coffee Day 2014), and our staff stuck at home was really tough but it did remind us of how much we love our little business, our customers and the entire Gentlemen Baristas family. So, when we got the greenlight to re-open, we knew we had to make it a good one.

So, we invited the rather brilliant swing band, Swing Train 42 to join us and they played some terrific music that really made our first day back special - bonus points for the very stylish boater hats, too. The sun was shining, our regulars were back, drinks were flowing and a good time was had by all. It was a really special day.
Lockdown was a stressful period for everyone. Luckily for us, we kept busy. We installed a new coffee bar, gave the walls a fresh lick of paint (or three), and created our first-ever outside seating section. We’ve also introduced a one-way entrance/exit system for extra safety.
But seeing our Coffee House lying empty for the first time since we opened it (on National Coffee Day 2014), and our staff stuck at home was really tough but it did remind us of how much we love our little business, our customers and the entire Gentlemen Baristas family. So, when we got the greenlight to re-open, we knew we had to make it a good one.

So, we invited the rather brilliant swing band, Swing Train 42 to join us and they played some terrific music that really made our first day back special - bonus points for the very stylish boater hats, too. The sun was shining, our regulars were back, drinks were flowing and a good time was had by all. It was a really special day.
Seeing our customers again was really emotional, and, as is our wont, we gave out our usual free coffees to say hi, thanks and welcome back. It also felt like an espresso martini day so Mr Black’s recipe was dusted off and glasses were raised to the NHS, to key workers and to all be back together again (even if it was at a social distance).
We’re back open 7 days a week now. Pop in next time you’re in the neighbourhood.
Until next time. Pip pip.
The Gentlemen Baristas