It's Our Birthday!
If you look hard enough, there seems to be a Hallmark Holiday that celebrates every conceivable retail and commercial concept out there. Take October 1st as a great example. If you put this date into Google, you will soon discover that it’s World Vegetarian Day, the International Day of Older Persons (A.K.A. Silver Sunday) and National Hair Day, to name but a few. Most of them are a little bit pointless; no more than a cynical ploy to make money on things sold as part of its observance.
Yes, we recognise (and advocate fully) that eating less (or no) meat helps people make the move to a healthier, more socially responsible way of living. And while we are at it, we’re all for people doing their best to give something back to older people - a grandparent, aunt, uncle or neighbour who sometimes needs a bit of assistance around the home or some company - preferably over a decent cup of our specialty coffee! But these concepts should be something we recognise and consider everyday of the year?
More importantly, for us October 1st is a big day in The Gentlemen Baristas annual calendar. Not only is it International Coffee Day (an internationally acknowledged celebration conceived to help raise awareness for the plight of coffee farmers and to promote fair trade and living wages) but it’s the date we threw open the doors to our very first coffee house on Union Street, Borough and (co-incidentally) it’s also the date we opened our incredible flagship coffee house in London’s Piccadilly - one of the busiest shopping streets in Europe.
So, while International Coffee Day is the ideal time to take a look at the long history of this wonderful drink and its beloved history, we think it’s also the perfect day to be patting ourselves on the collective backs, thanking our wonderful customers and team for being there for us, and raising a celebratory hat (which one, we’ll let you choose!) on this extra special day.
And, as it’s our birthday, we’d like to give you a gift: 20% off coffee all week (until October 8th) with the code GBBIRTHDAY. You're Welcome!